my sixth chapter

So after Eleanor left, I rinsed the wine glasses and worked out.

The gym I go to is on a corner, and the front of it is all windows, facing a busy avenue full of traffic and dimly-lit restaurants. Sometimes, when I’m lifting weights at night, I like to look out the window at the couples sitting in the restaurants, drinking cocktails and laughing over dishes of guacamole or bruschetta. I wonder how long they’ve known each other, what they’re talking about, if they’ve had sex, if they’re happy. And then, when I start to worry that they can see me watching, I turn and face the other way.

Yesterday, my mom and dad visited. They saw the wine glasses in the sink and asked if I’ve become an alcoholic. When I told them I had a friend over, they were skeptical. Sometimes my mom likes to rub it in that most of my friends are married with kids and, thereby, too busy to spend time with me. This was one of those times.

I debated telling them about Eleanor. About how nice and attractive I think she is. How she’s a graphic designer but also a painter, and how she takes the stairs on weekends.

But then I’d have to tell them that she lives across the hall, and then they’d probably call me ‘lazy.’ Because only the laziest person in the world dates the girl across the hall.

I’m really not lazy, though. I keep my eyes open for someone new. I like to observe people when I’m out to eat with friends, and when I’m at a party or other social function, I do talk to women. Sometimes they talk back.

When people ask why I haven’t met someone yet, I used to say that I’m too busy pursuing The Arts and living at home with my parents. But now that I’ve moved out and gotten a job, I think I’ve got to think of a new response.

Maybe I’ll say ‘chemistry.’

Chemistry is one of the hardest things to find. There’s a warmth to it, you know? I really believe the temperature rises between two people when they’re talking and have chemistry. It’s like all the molecules in the room sense what’s happening between these two people, and so they zoom over to witness and marvel at what’s taking place.

When I see couples embracing in the street, I smile, because I remember that warm feeling. Sometimes I want to tap them on the shoulder and tell them that this is what they’ll never forget. But that would be intrusive.

Most of all, I think I’d like to thank them. Because when they’re standing there together, I swear that, for a moment, that feeling that they feel passes along to me, and I feel it, too. It comes rushing back. And just when I’ve had a moment to savor it and let it really warm me up, it quickly disappears, and I keep on walking.

17 thoughts on “my sixth chapter

  1. The way you just described chemistry, I miss those feelings… I think that deep down, when there’s a real connection, we kind of know the other person feels the same. The tension is palpable… Oh, I miss being in love. Haven’t felt that in ages.

    When it comes to Eleanor, I think you should act quickly before she starts seeing you just as a friend. We want romance, well, I want romance, I’m craving for some New York lovin’. 🙂

    Good luck and looking forward for next Monday (can’t you reconsider and start writing more often)

  2. Chemistry is absolutely important. It’s not something that can be created or grown. It’s either there or it’s not. And when it’s good, right… it’s instant and can’t be explained. I LOVE that feeling. I’ve had that recently and it’s an awesome feeling. It can also be shockingly uncertain…

  3. It’s 4:30 a.m., I’m writhing in pain, and reading your blog while waiting for the meds to kick in. You remind me of the years I lived in Salt Lake City (starving, w/a film student boyfriend) and then San Francisco (starving, along with other film students). I don’t know why I resisted the urge to study literature and the history of ideas in favor of film, but in the end it’s what you do with your time here on earth.

    Keep writing. It makes 4 a.m. so much more bearable (for other lurkers too, I’m sure).

    Best hopes,

  4. Seems to me, that the first step is desire. Chemistry is no problem. It comes by itself. If you want a relationship with a woman, find one who looks good to you, who’s interesting when you talk to her… who has like interests… and then include her in some activities. Try enjoying life a little with her… listen to music with her… take a walk with her. Have some tea and cookies with her, or share a bottle of wine. You’ll see, chemistry comes right along. It’s part of what we are.

  5. Beautiful writing. . . and, it’s why I love living in New York: you really can feel that energy from a couple who is in love. Even if for a fleeting moment. Isn’t it nice to know you’ve experienced it even if you don’t have right this moment? I take comfort in that.

  6. Pingback: this is my 16th chapter | thesaintgermain

  7. Pingback: chapter 21: valentine’s day | thesaintgermain

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